Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sex and Love

"There's a difference between sexual desire and love. Sexual desire is a strong physical excitement. Love is a powerful caring for someone else.Love can exist without sexual desire, and vice versa. Many people are happiest when both love and sexual desire are shared by both partners."

From Planned Parenthood's website.

Hmmm. Yes, I agree that love can exist without sexual desire. Am I happiest when both are shared by both? Maybe I'm happiest at that point in relationships when sexual desire is overshadowed by love and spiritual committment. Not that it isn't still there, but that it is only a small part of a very deep well.


I'm hyper-aware of all the people around me right now who place a considerable amount of emphasis on physical attraction to a person. I asked the guy I'm seeing if he had a type--a common something that runs through all the people he dates. He responded with physical characteristics. Most people do, when I ask that. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but I do find it curious. It just wouldn't be my first response at all.

Last night, my second mom and I went to a music show to see a guy in whom she's interested play. Later, she was describing a guy who's interested in her. One of the primary reasons she's not interested back is because he has too much gray hair.

My housemate doesn't want to date a guy who seems really right for her (at least right now) because he is shorter than she is.

It isn't that I don't appreciate physical attractiveness. And I'm blessed with dating a person right now to whom I am very physically attracted. But I've also dated people (in fact, at least 1/2 of my relationships) who aren't necessarily physically attractive to me, but they are attractive people. And I'm saying that not to sound self-righteous, or to pat myself on the back for being so PC. I'm saying that as something that feels mostly natural and normal for me.


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