Monday, March 27, 2006

The Boss is Coming Back

I am so exhausted. So tired. So frustrated. My boss called to complain about a report I've written...not about what I've written, but about the quotes I reported on from people in the focus groups. I can't change their quotes! What they said is what they said!

I feel unappreciated at my job. A little faith and a 'thank you' from bosses goes a long way. I constantly get the feeling that my boss feels she is "settling" for the staff she has, that she feels a large amount of anxiety about doing more, bigger, better, and that she has a thread of disappointment running through her all the time.

And I take all of it very personally. This is my problem. I know where it's coming from with her--she is defensive about her role in a large, international agency, and about the fact that this agency has become less about social marketing in recent years and more about local programming for teens. I'd be happy to make the transition, but it would be a learning curve for me and I'd need some leadership in that direction. And some slack on the 50 hour weeks. Or at least some acknowledgement of the effort.

Of course, I am blogging while at work.

Consider it a mental health minute.


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