Monday, August 07, 2006

Remembering Belize...

I was hit by a car in Belize.
On some days, now, almost two months later, I forget about that. More and more days, actually. I'm lucky that I am injured so little that I can forget.
But occasionally, I remember. Like now...sitting for too long in one position, and my back has a funny ache that moves back and forth across my spine, and refuses to go away when I stretch. Or like this weekend, when my right hip just feels funny a lot.
I think there are a lot of lessons to learn when one is hit by a car. Maybe my body is trying to remind me of that. I'm sure I haven't learned them all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you got yourself checked out well enough after this incident? I know you feel lucky and you are, but you could still have far reaching effects from this.